Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Pete Buckingham; audience trends, profiles and patterns -

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Q1 - Pete Buckingham suggests that the age and income influences audience patterns, he states that ages 15-24's represent 40% of cinema audiences. 35-44s make up 38% of cinema audiences showing that younger people go to the cinema more. More upmarket audiences with ABC1 jobs make up 60-66% of cinema audiences which will most likely be due to them being able to afford the experience. This shows truth in the statement 'the older the audience, the more upmarket' saying that they will be willing to pay for a more upmarket experience, such as an art house cinema or gallery seats. An audience with high paying jobs are likely to have more time on their hands as they usually will not have children or children living at home which is shown by long days at work, they will have more time and more money to spend on leisures. 55 plus make up 32% of light cinema goers.

Q2- I think i am a mixed kind of audience; i will go to see big blockbuster films as well as small company produced films, films with big or small star casts in it, different genres, different styles. I do usually go to the cinema to see a film if an actor i love stars in it as i am a quite loyal fan to certain actors and i will always come out of it loving the film, sometimes just because that certain actors is in it and maybe without them i may not have enjoyed it. I usually view films through the cinema if they are ones i feel will be worth the money, only being in part time work makes you look differently at spending money to see random films. Other than cinema viewing i will watch films online or through Love Film or Netflix which i subscribe to as it is not much money a month for the range of films that are available to watch. 
Blockbuster films; 


Q2b- To find out about viewing habits/successful genres and narratives i would either research online through websites, blogs and statistic websites. Also read through film audience articles and books.

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A; I watch films because i enjoy the whole experience from it, especially the cinema experience. I like how films are an escapism from the real world and the exhilaration that comes from watching them and the fulfilled feeling you get when the film comes to an end. I like that in films there are people to admire, weather its the stars real life self or the character they are portraying there is always admiration towards at least one person. I enjoy seeing the creativity and imagination from the producers and directors and how this changes the film for better or worse, the power over judging if the films is good or not and what else could be done with it and the unexpected of what the film can contain.
Cinema experience;

B; The aspects that attract me to a film consist of the actors within it, i will go to see a film purely because there is an actor i love or admire starring in it. Also if a film is created by a company which i know the films they produce and exhibit are always enjoyable such as Warner Brothers i am more likely to go and pay to see it knowing that their films have a quality and good content. The reputation of a film matters to me and i am more likely to see a film which is represented well and which the audience who have already seen have enjoyed, also if a film i have seen is part of a trilogy i am more than likely going to go see the next films if the first one was enjoyable for example; the Harry Potter series, Lord of The Rings trilogy which i have seen and other film series i am planning to see after really enjoying the first film are The Hunger Games and The Hobbit.                  
                                  Actors that urge me to see films-the Harry Potter cast;

C; I consume films in various ways, my most favourite being the cinema experience. i will also watch them online, stream them, watch them on t.v or buy the DVD. 
My favorite cinema;       

Q4; Drivers and Barriers - 
Genre i like
Actors i like
Producers i like
Well known book
Everyones talking about it
Good and obvious hook
Surprising twist 
Sound track  

Genres i dont like
No Big names and actors
Same few actors
Dont know the story
No one is talking about it -bad reviews 
No obvious hooks or surprising twist

I think all of the drivers above apply to me going to the cinema or to watch a film, not so much the well known book as i don't read much but every so often there will be a film or films from a book that i love, such as the Harry Potter film series. Pretty much all of the barriers would stop me from seeing a film apart from no big names or actors because i will watch a film even if it doesn't have any big names in it if it looks like it has a good quality and enjoyable storyline.

1 comment:

  1. excellent work - full of detail and you are starting to use a good range of media terminology with confidence and understanding.
    enrich the post with visual examples to amplify your points - for example
    > quotes
    > print screens for reviews on cinema sites
    > actor sots or timelines/resumes
    > buckinghams drawings of audience types
    > british film industries data and statistics
